
7:32 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »

<-- The pic from 1 of 2 kittens we've just successfully adopted thank to the help of Singapore Cat Welfare Organization.

The kitties are so cute .. can't believe they were abandoned without the cat mother caring when only 1 month olds. Luckily they were taken in and brought up by good people until strong enough for adoption.

More about their early stories (along with lota pics and videos) could be found in KootooMonster's blog by MamaPiggy and PapaPorky (

Every year there're thousands of cats abandoned .. and every year there're thousands of community and abandoned cats put to sleep by SPCA with no other choices.. I feel happy for our kittens but what about other cats still out there with cold, dark and dangers.. May they see another day?

So if you want to do a little anything to help those small livings, let visit the Cat Welfare Organization's website ( .. Even you can't adopt a kitty or a cat, at least you may have known of what they're trying to do.. As far as I know, their activities always need support from everyone.

(All here are my personal opinions. I'm not a member of Cat Welfare Organization, just one admires their big hearts turned into actions and wants to support them in a way)